Monday, November 5, 2007

Life is Getting Tuff

Life is always a mystery for me. I am always poor to understand why it takes so many twist and turns. Today again i am standing on no mans land and don't know what to do where to go. I really don't know what lies ahead in front of me. The decisions we make in our life , shows the outcome so late that sometimes you really feel helpless, and wanna correct your mistakes in life but you won't be able to.
Someone told the bitter truth, Your actions are just like the arrow. Once it leaves the bow there is no turning back.
The only thing we can do is to learn from our mistake and to move ahead, keeping in mind that you should not repeat those same mistakes again.
I don't know that wither ever we will get a second chance to correct our mistakes but if we really do then i wanna correct many things in my life.

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